Today's post is about ideas that are so ridiculously simple you wish you had thought of them.
Unless the product and the problem is given to a creative, it's quite hard to go out there and find a product and problem to solve. It's something that we all did back in education (cause you had to) but once in a full time job, other stuff (like a life and the pub) replaces that need to sit down and do spec work.
Anyway, rant over. These ideas are not ground breaking and don't fit into that 'Cannes Award Winning Integrated BIG IDEA" category, but they do show some clever thinking. It's just a shame that ideas like this don't just pop into your head.
They might do into yours, but my remains a void most of the time outside of work.
Flipping the product.
Flipping the logo. Classic stuff, eh?
And finally a small but clever digital idea for the funkier generation.
E-Folder Desktop
Ikea lets you turn your desktop into some of their storage units. Your icons even become Ikea storage boxes.
Click here to download it.
That's it.
I have no idea what to say next...